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Review Our Plans Below Then Make Your Selection

  • 90-Day Trial Plan

    Every month
    A 90-day trial plan with a 10% introductory discount!
    Valid for 3 months
    • Customized plan created for a single line of business¹
    • Three months of financial analysis and scorecard reports
    • Monthly 30-min. 1:1 video call to review scorecard
    • 10% off servicing fee, a monthly savings of $25!
    • Total Plan cost: $669²
    • At trial end of you may enroll in one of our annual plans
    • ----------
    • ¹Multiple business lines not available for Trial Plan
    • ²No Plan modifications permitted after initial set-up
  • MAGNATE Plan

    Every month
    A Plan Limited to Quarterly & Annual Reports & Check-ins
    Valid for 12 months
    • Customized plan created for a single line of business¹
    • Quarterly financial analysis and scorecard reports
    • Quarterly 30-min. 1:1 video call to review scorecard
    • Annual report capturing full-year financial performance
    • Note: Monthly reports not included in this Plan
    • Total Plan cost: $2,100.00²
    • Contract term: One year
    • ----------
    • ¹Pricing for multiple business lines provided upon request
    • ²Total Plan cost does not reflect added or ad-hoc services

    Every month
    Monthly Servicing with Twelve Reports and Consultations
    Valid for 12 months
    • Customized plan created for a single line of business¹
    • 12 months of financial analysis including scorecard reports
    • Monthly 30-min. 1:1 video call to review scorecard
    • Total Plan cost: $3,036.00²
    • ----------
    • ¹Pricing for multiple business lines provided upon request
    • ²Total Plan cost does not reflect added or ad-hoc services

    Every month
    Monthly & Annual servicing, reporting and consultation
    Valid for 12 months
    • Customized plan created for a single line of business¹
    • 12 months of financial analysis including scorecard reports
    • Monthly 30-min. 1:1 video call to review scorecard
    • Annual report capturing full-year financial performance
    • Total Plan cost: $3,180.00²
    • ----------
    • ¹Pricing for multiple business lines provided upon request
    • ²Total Plan cost does not reflect added or ad-hoc services
  • MOGUL Plan

    Every month
    Monthly/Quarterly/Annual servicing, reporting & consultation
    Valid for 12 months
    • Customized plan created for a single line of business¹
    • 12 months of financial analysis including scorecard reports
    • Monthly 30-min. 1:1 video call to review scorecard
    • Quarterly reports capturing Q1-Q4 financial performance
    • Annual report capturing full-year financial performance
    • Total Plan cost: $3,564.00²
    • ----------
    • ¹Pricing for multiple business lines provided upon request
    • ²Total Plan cost does not reflect added or ad-hoc services

    Every month
    M/Q/A Boardroom-quality reports & extended consulations
    Valid for 12 months
    • Customized plan created for a single line of business¹
    • Front-of-the-Line! Priority Processing
    • 12 months of financial analysis including scorecard reports
    • Monthly 60-min. 1:1 video call to review scorecard
    • GLOSSY Quarterly reports with Q1-Q4 financial performance
    • GLOSSY Annual report with full-year financial performance
    • Tabbed binder for keeping the financial reports organized
    • Total Plan cost: $4,380.00²
    • ----------
    • ¹Pricing for multiple business lines provided upon request
    • ²Total Plan cost does not reflect added or ad-hoc services
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