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Summary of Plan Benefits


üTwelve months of expert financial analysis of your business


üA great plan with a monthly financial report and consultation for business owners desiring a thorough, recurring check-in that offers piece of mind in knowing the trends, strengths and weaknesses, and understanding where their business is headed


üMonthly 9-Point Financial Analysis Report


üMonthly One-on-One Video/Telephone Consultation


üContract Term:  One-Year

Running a business is no easy task.  Daily operating activities such as growing your customer traffic, managing inventory, supervising employees and keeping them engaged in servicing customers, handling suppliers, paying invoices and meeting payroll on time are just a few of the dynamics that can make day-to-day management of your business both hectic and time-consuming.  It also requires being agile enough to navigate changes in the economy and consumer demands, all while keeping pace with the competition.


And what about your company’s financial management and security?  Are you finding you need some help understanding the financial health and outlook of your business?  Would you like to be more in the know about what your financial results are telling you?  And finally, would you like to be more in control of your financial management without having to take on the burden of wearing yet another hat that you likely do not have time for?  If you said yes to any of these questions, Mark of Excellence Financial Analysis & Consulting is ready to help.


Our CURATOR Plan is perfect for busy managers who desire to have a monthly check-up and check-in to review our 9-Point Financial Analysis Report customized especially for their business.  This plan is a offers a recurring cadence that will help you understand “the numbers” and the story they tell you about how your business stands up against the competition, how the trends in your financial results give insight to where you’ve been and where you’re likely headed, and finally, the strengths and weaknesses of your financial health – and how to make necessary course corrections.


The CURATOR Plan provides 12 months of careful analysis using our proprietary industry-specific benchmark data, and information from your monthly financial statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement and Statement of Owner's Equity) supplied by you via electronic data transfer from your ERP system, for example, QuickBooks, or an electronic copy of your financial statements from your accountant.  You can rest assured, your data is never shared with any entity outside of our firm, and we treat all communications and consultations from our firm to you with the highest confidentiality.


To get the process started, enrollment begins with receipt of the first installment assessed at the time you select the Plan and complete the checkout payment process.   We will then send you a form requesting certain financial information about your business and other necessary profile data that will be used to create a customized version of the CURATOR Plan specific to your business.  Servicing of your plan begins the following month upon receipt of your four financial statements for the current reporting periord (plus statements for the prior period to assist in the initial set-up), due by the 15th business day of the month.  [Note:  To facilitate having your customized plan ready for the first servicing period, the completed request form must be returned to us within 7 calendar days of receipt.]


Turn-around of our monthly servicing (financial statement analysis, market data analytics, and generation of our proprietary 9-Point Financial Analysis Report) is usually within 72 hours of receipt of your financial statements.


Finally, we will schedule a monthly 30-minute one-on-one video (or telephone) review with you to go over the 9-Point Financial Analysis Report, answer any questions, and provide you with our observations and recommendations.


The monthly cost of the CURATOR Plan is $253.00, which includes intial set-up, monthly servicing, reporting and consultations. 


It is our goal that you will not only see the value in our professional services, you will begin to incorporate this value into the daily operations and strategic planning of your business.


This Plan is perfect for keeping a watchful eye on the financial health of your business.  Sign up today or schedule a free consultation to learn more!

Note:   Continuing our partnership is easy once your plan year ends


  • Near the end of the annual plan term, you will receive a reminder to renew or upgrade your plan.



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