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What we provide in our Proprietary
9-Point Financial Analysis Report

Included with all
Financial Plans!

1. Financial Highlights

The "Financial Highlights" reflects a summary of the current reporting month's key financial results (Actuals vs. Forecast), charts displaying monthly performance results for Sales, EBITDA, and Cash, as well as a chart reflecting the current product mix.  

Issued monthly, quarterly and annually, with frequency depending on the plan selected, our 9-Point Financial Analysis Report provides a wealth of information to help you make informed, data-driven action plans to keep your business profitable and growing.

2. Financial Trending


Understanding how your business is trending, both sales and costs, is essential to being an informed manager.  Recognizing directional patterns in financial results can be the key to making informed decisions and thereby making necessary course corrections to keep your business on track to meet year-end expectations.

Get a comprehensive snapshot of your firm's financial well-being with a professional assessment of performance, trending, risks and opportunities, all in an easy-to-read one-page report.

3.  Balance Sheet

     Key Performance


The Balance Sheet, a key financial statement, is often prepared by accountants and provided to stakeholders and government agencies, but is often not explained to, or fully understood by the business owner.  Our report mines your balance sheet for critical indicators that will show your ability to meet the demands of creditors, disclose the effectiveness of recovering monies owed to you, demonstrate how quickly inventory is turning over, and finally, reveal how well the money invested by the owner(s) is being utilized by the company.  Balance sheet indicators for your industry are also provided for comparison and bench-marking purposes.

We use the financial reports from your accounting software, ERP system, bookkeeper or that you prepare yourself, and transform them into a meaningful report that tells the story of your business through select financial indicators, industry data, and carefully prepared analysis and feedback.

4.  Income Statement

     Key Performance


The Income Statement, another key financial document, summarizes the results of a business's operation for a given time period by disclosing the revenues earned and the expenses incurred.  But it doesn't end there.  The income statement provides many insights to the performance of the firm's financial goals and expectations.  Our financial analysis report takes sales and costs data from the income status to illustrate how much profit is being generated per dollar of sales revenue (an indicator of a company's operational efficiency), it's profitability in relation to the costs of doing business.  Income statement indicators for your industry are also provided for comparison and bench-marking purposes.

Our 9-Point Financial Analysis Report is an independent, objective statement of your firm's operating health, absent of subjective and/or emotion-based assessments that often fail to provide an accurate view of a firm's current and projected performance.

5.  Cash and

     Retained Earnings

     Progress Report

Business Owners and their managers seek performance metrics unique to their line of business.  Having indicators tied to the unique operations of a niche business or industry are essential for both strategic and operations insight and planning.  We work with you to identify and develop user-centric performance ratios and establish norms and targets to help you not only realize your growth projections, but advance your market share to its fullest extent.

6.  Performance

     Report Card

The Report Card is where you will find letter grades assigned to 10 key measurable business categories.  Grades are assigned based on our proprietary scoring model, and should be viewed objectively to develop action plans for those categories that are shown to need attention, and to celebrate and recognize those categories in which you firm has performed well.  Most importantly, the grades should be viewed as starting points for goal setting and incentives to drive improvements where needed and to recognize high-rated areas and to celebrate the efforts of your team for things done right.

7.  Risks &



It is said that the management of business is the management of risk.  Many failed businesses either did not understand or appreciate that risk, thought seemingly intangible, requires continuous awareness and mitigation planning.  Firms also need to be aware of opportunities that could bring about new growth and profitability.  Both risk and opportunity are uniquely linked, as opportunities are often borne of risking-taking.  However, all risks needs to be carefully assessed before taking them forward in an effort to make a profit from a less-than-viable endeavor.  At Mark of Excellence Financial Analysis & Consulting, we take risk and opportunity assessment to heart by working with our clients to help them navigate uncertainty, measure and make informed Go/No-Go investments decisions, and to bring insight to existing operational processes, costs and revenue streams that may require modifications and/or elimination to bring about beneficial outcomes.  Our Risk & Opportunities Analysis is a professional assessment of your firm's potential issues and/or prospects for improved profitability.  

8.  Observations &


Quality feedback from a trusted source is sought and prized by all business owners.  

As your advocate for sound financial management, Mark of Excellence has a fiduciary responsibility to deliver accurate, competent, professional, balanced, and honest reporting and appraisals.  The Recommendations & Professional Assessments section delivers our professional feedback that includes both things done right as well as thing that need improvement.  Think of our tell-it-like-it-is feedback as candid input to your critical decision-making.

Firms will find our 9-Point Financial Analysis Report is heavy on thorough probing and evaluation of the data from your financial statements, to help you understand the story of your business so you can be a better-informed entrepreneur.  It also means when we uncover bad news, we share it with you frankly and openly, because being a truly informed business leader means having available all relevant information for making the rights decisions to keep your business thriving.

9.  News, Events, and


     Related to Your

     Business and the 

     and the Economy

We conclude each report with highlights from business journals, media announcements, and national and global news that shapes the landscape of your industry, providing perspectives and insights to help you stay abreast of the ever-changing economic, legal and political events that could impact your business.  We all live and work in a globally connected business universe.  As such, events from nearly every corner of the world can present unexpected risks or unimagined opportunities.

Where else can you find such an information-packed, "one-pager" provided to you each month in a consist, readable format?  Give us a chance to make a difference for your firm with our 90-Day Trial offer.  To learn more about this plan, click "Plans" from the menu bar, then select "90-Day Trial Plan"

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